Portuguese Institute for the Sea and Atmosphere

IPMA I. P. is the state laboratory whose mission is to promote and coordinate scientific research, technological development, innovation and service on the seas and atmosphere.

The DivAV AQUAFISH0.0 research group has experience in nutrition, toxicology, food safety, risk-benefit assessment, and bioactive compound identification.

focuses on research, technological development, innovation, services, and dissemination activities in the sea value-chain. It focuses on aquaculture, valorization of underutilized resources, and biochemical bioprospecting of undervalued marine resources. DivAV aims at sustainable exploitation of marine resources, production, improvement, and transformation of high-quality products from the sea. DivAV carries out cutting-edge research and experimental development on the use of products from the sea and aquaculture, monitoring quality and ensuring safety as well as supporting fishermen and the fish and aquaculture industry. DivAV is an active part in the transfer of technology to the sector. DivAV also prioritises the health and well-being of consumers, considering all age and population groups.

The EPPO AQUAFISH0.0 research group has experience in aquaculture, nutrition, pathology, fish welfare, and the use of molecular, biochemical, microbiological, and physiological tools.

EPPO is a unique infrastructure designed to conduct research, development, and experimental demonstration on a pilot scale. The aim of these facilities is also to promote technology transfer to the productive sector, serving as an important pillar in both professional and university-level scientific and technical training. This unit occupies an area of approximately 7 hectares, consisting of a hatchery (housing breeders of 9 species of marine fish adapted to captivity), a pre-fattening zone, and the fattening area in earthen tanks, operating in a monoculture, polyculture, or multitrophic system. The research and activities carried out at EPPO are supported through projects under national and international funding programs. The scientific activity at EPPO stands out for its national and international collaborations with other research institutes and universities, thereby promoting knowledge exchange as well as researcher mobility.

AQUAFISH 0.0 is a project funded by ERDF through the INTERREG Atlantic Area 2021-2027 programme (project code EAPA_0062/2022).