Results: Work package 3

Work Package 3

  • WP Name: Social acceptance of sustainable aquaculture and fisheries products
  • Led by: Institut Agro
  • Start date: 01/01/2024
  • End date: 31/10/2026


Led by Institut Agro, this WP will be aimed at ensuring the social acceptance of the new food products developed and, of the sustainable aquaculture and fisheries innovative products and processes implemented using by-products and bycatch following a circular economy approach.

In order to do this, a study on general acceptance will be developed to know the starting point and use the results to make recommendations about the measures to be taken concerning awareness raising and sensibilisation for the social acceptance of the new products in the Atlantic Area.

In this context, a series of activities will be carried out with different stakeholders, including industries, policy makers and general public. Specific actions will be carried out to ensure the engagement of the future generation of consumers, with tailored activities in schools.